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" MUSHcode syntax file " Maintainer: Rick Bird <nveid@nveid.com> " Based on vim Syntax file by: Bek Oberin <gossamer@tertius.net.au> " Last Updated: Fri Nov 04 20:28:15 2005 " " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " regular mush functions syntax keyword mushFunction contained @@ abs accent accname acos add after align syntax keyword mushFunction contained allof alphamax alphamin and andflags syntax keyword mushFunction contained andlflags andlpowers andpowers ansi aposs art syntax keyword mushFunction contained asin atan atan2 atrlock attrcnt band baseconv syntax keyword mushFunction contained beep before blank2tilde bnand bnot bor bound syntax keyword mushFunction contained brackets break bxor cand cansee capstr case syntax keyword mushFunction contained caseall cat ceil center checkpass children syntax keyword mushFunction contained chr clone cmds cnetpost comp con config conn syntax keyword mushFunction contained controls convsecs convtime convutcsecs cor syntax keyword mushFunction contained cos create ctime ctu dec decrypt default syntax keyword mushFunction contained delete die dig digest dist2d dist3d div syntax keyword mushFunction contained division divscope doing downdiv dynhelp e syntax keyword mushFunction contained edefault edit element elements elist elock syntax keyword mushFunction contained emit empire empower encrypt endtag entrances syntax keyword mushFunction contained eq escape etimefmt eval exit exp extract fdiv syntax keyword mushFunction contained filter filterbool findable first firstof syntax keyword mushFunction contained flags flip floor floordiv fmod fold syntax keyword mushFunction contained folderstats followers following foreach syntax keyword mushFunction contained fraction fullname functions get get_eval grab syntax keyword mushFunction contained graball grep grepi gt gte hasattr hasattrp syntax keyword mushFunction contained hasattrpval hasattrval hasdivpower hasflag syntax keyword mushFunction contained haspower haspowergroup hastype height hidden syntax keyword mushFunction contained home host hostname html idle idlesecs syntax keyword mushFunction contained idle_average idle_times idle_total if ifelse syntax keyword mushFunction contained ilev iname inc index indiv indivall insert syntax keyword mushFunction contained inum ipaddr isdaylight isdbref isint isnum syntax keyword mushFunction contained isword itemize items iter itext last lattr syntax keyword mushFunction contained lcon lcstr ldelete ldivisions left lemit syntax keyword mushFunction contained level lexits lflags link list lit ljust lmath syntax keyword mushFunction contained ln lnum loc localize locate lock loctree log syntax keyword mushFunction contained lparent lplayers lports lpos lsearch lsearchr syntax keyword mushFunction contained lstats lt lte lthings lvcon lvexits lvplayers syntax keyword mushFunction contained lvthings lwho mail maildstats mailfrom syntax keyword mushFunction contained mailfstats mailstats mailstatus mailsubject syntax keyword mushFunction contained mailtime map match matchall max mean median syntax keyword mushFunction contained member merge mid min mix mod modulo modulus syntax keyword mushFunction contained money mtime mudname mul munge mwho name nand syntax keyword mushFunction contained nattr ncon nearby neq nexits next nor not syntax keyword mushFunction contained nplayers nsemit nslemit nsoemit nspemit syntax keyword mushFunction contained nsremit nszemit nthings null num nvcon syntax keyword mushFunction contained nvexits nvplayers nvthings obj objeval objid syntax keyword mushFunction contained objmem oemit ooref open or ord orflags syntax keyword mushFunction contained orlflags orlpowers orpowers owner parent syntax keyword mushFunction contained parse pcreate pemit pi pickrand playermem syntax keyword mushFunction contained pmatch poll ports pos poss power powergroups syntax keyword mushFunction contained powers powover program prompt pueblo quitprog syntax keyword mushFunction contained quota r rand randword recv regedit regeditall syntax keyword mushFunction contained regeditalli regediti regmatch regmatchi syntax keyword mushFunction contained regrab regraball regraballi regrabi regrep syntax keyword mushFunction contained regrepi remainder remit remove repeat replace syntax keyword mushFunction contained rest restarts restarttime reswitch syntax keyword mushFunction contained reswitchall reswitchalli reswitchi reverse syntax keyword mushFunction contained revwords right rjust rloc rnum room root syntax keyword mushFunction contained round s scan scramble search secs secure sent syntax keyword mushFunction contained set setdiff setinter setq setr setunion sha0 syntax keyword mushFunction contained shl shr shuffle sign signal sin sort sortby syntax keyword mushFunction contained soundex soundlike soundslike space spellnum syntax keyword mushFunction contained splice sql sqlescape sqrt squish ssl syntax keyword mushFunction contained starttime stats stddev step strcat strinsert syntax keyword mushFunction contained stripaccents stripansi strlen strmatch syntax keyword mushFunction contained strreplace sub subj switch switchall t table syntax keyword mushFunction contained tag tagwrap tan tel terminfo textfile syntax keyword mushFunction contained tilde2blank time timefmt timestring tr syntax keyword mushFunction contained trigger trim trimpenn trimtiny trunc type u syntax keyword mushFunction contained ucstr udefault ufun uldefault ulocal updiv syntax keyword mushFunction contained utctime v vadd val valid vcross vdim vdot syntax keyword mushFunction contained version visible vmag vmax vmin vmul vsub syntax keyword mushFunction contained vtattr vtcount vtcreate vtdestroy vtlcon syntax keyword mushFunction contained vtloc vtlocate vtmaster vtname vtref vttel syntax keyword mushFunction contained vunit wait where width wipe wordpos words syntax keyword mushFunction contained wrap xcon xexits xget xor xplayers xthings syntax keyword mushFunction contained xvcon xvexits xvplayers xvthings zemit zfun syntax keyword mushFunction contained zmwho zone zwho " only highligh functions when they have an in-bracket immediately after syntax match mushFunctionBrackets "\i*(" contains=mushFunction " " regular mush commands syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @ALLHALT @ALLQUOTA @ASSERT @ATRCHOWN @ATRLOCK @ATTRIBUTE @BOOT syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @BREAK @CEMIT @CHANNEL @CHAT @CHOWN @CHOWNALL @CHZONE @CHZONEALL syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @CLOCK @CLONE @COBJ @COMMAND @CONFIG @CPATTR @CREATE @CRPLOG @DBCK syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @DECOMPILE @DESTROY @DIG @DISABLE @DIVISION @DOING @DOLIST @DRAIN syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @DUMP @EDIT @ELOCK @EMIT @EMPOWER @ENABLE @ENTRANCES @EUNLOCK @FIND syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @FIRSTEXIT @FLAG @FORCE @FUNCTION @EDIT @GREP @HALT @HIDE @HOOK @KICK syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @LEMIT @LEVEL @LINK @LIST @LISTMOTD @LOCK @LOG @LOGWIPE @LSET @MAIL @MALIAS syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @MAP @MOTD @MVATTR @NAME @NEWPASSWORD @NOTIFY @NSCEMIT @NSEMIT @NSLEMIT syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @NSOEMIT @NSPEMIT @NSPEMIT @NSREMIT @NSZEMIT @NUKE @OEMIT @OPEN @PARENT @PASSWORD syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @PCREATE @PEMIT @POLL @POOR @POWERLEVEL @PROGRAM @PROMPT @PS @PURGE @QUOTA syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @READCACHE @RECYCLE @REJECTMOTD @REMIT @RESTART @SCAN @SEARCH @SELECT @SET syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @SHUTDOWN @SITELOCK @SNOOP @SQL @SQUOTA @STATS @SWITCH @SWEEP @SWITCH @TELEPORT syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @TRIGGER @ULOCK @UNDESTROY @UNLINK @UNLOCK @UNRECYCLE @UPTIME @UUNLOCK @VERB syntax keyword mushAtCommandList contained @VERSION @WAIT @WALL @WARNINGS @WCHECK @WHEREIS @WIPE @ZCLONE @ZEMIT syntax match mushCommand "@\i\I*" contains=mushAtCommandList syntax keyword mushCommand AHELP ANEWS ATTRIB_SET BRIEF BRIEF BUY CHANGES DESERT syntax keyword mushCommand DISMISS DROP EMPTY ENTER EXAMINE FOLLOW GET GIVE GOTO syntax keyword mushCommand HELP HUH_COMMAND INVENTORY INVENTORY LOOK LEAVE LOOK syntax keyword mushCommand GOTO NEWS PAGE PAGE POSE RULES SAY SCORE SEMIPOSE syntax keyword mushCommand SPECIALNEWS TAKE TEACH THINK UNFOLLOW USE WHISPER WHISPER syntax keyword mushCommand WARN_ON_MISSING WHISPER WITH syntax match mushSpecial "\*\|!\|=\|-\|\\\|+" syntax match mushSpecial2 contained "\*" syn region mushString start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=mushSpecial,mushSpecial2,@Spell syntax match mushIdentifier "&[^ ]\+" syntax match mushVariable "%r\|%t\|%cr\|%[A-Za-z0-9]\+\|%#\|##\|here" " numbers syntax match mushNumber +[0-9]\++ " A comment line starts with a or # or " at the start of the line " or an @@ syntax keyword mushTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX syntax cluster mushCommentGroup contains=mushTodo syntax match mushComment "^\s*@@.*$" contains=mushTodo syntax match mushComment "^#[^define|^ifdef|^else|^pragma|^ifndef|^echo|^elif|^undef|^warning].*$" contains=mushTodo syntax match mushComment "^#$" contains=mushTodo syntax region mushComment matchgroup=mushCommentStart start="/@@" end="@@/" contains=@mushCommentGroup,mushCommentStartError,mushCommentString,@Spell syntax region mushCommentString contained start=+L\=\\\@<!"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+@@/+me=s-1 contains=mushCommentSkip syntax match mushCommentSkip contained "^\s*@@\($\|\s\+\)" syntax match mushCommentStartError display "/@@"me=e-1 contained " syntax match mushComment +^".*$+ contains=mushTodo " Work on this one " syntax match mushComment +^#.*$+ contains=mushTodo syn region mushPreCondit start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|elif\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=mushComment syn match mushPreCondit display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(else\|endif\)\>" syn cluster mushPreProcGroup contains=mushPreCondit,mushIncluded,mushInclude,mushDefine,mushSpecial,mushString,mushCommentSkip,mushCommentString,@mushCommentGroup,mushCommentStartError syn region mushIncluded display contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn match mushIncluded display contained "<[^>]*>" syn match mushInclude display "^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=mushIncluded syn region mushDefine start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=ALLBUT,@mushPreProcGroup,@Spell syn region mushPreProc start="^\s*\(%:\|#\)\s*\(pragma\>\|line\>\|warning\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@mushPreProcGroup syntax region mushFuncBoundaries start="\[" end="\]" contains=mushFunction,mushFlag,mushAttributes,mushNumber,mushCommand,mushVariable,mushSpecial2 " FLAGS syntax keyword mushFlag PLAYER ABODE BUILDER CHOWN_OK DARK FLOATING syntax keyword mushFlag GOING HAVEN INHERIT JUMP_OK KEY LINK_OK MONITOR syntax keyword mushFlag NOSPOOF OPAQUE QUIET STICKY TRACE UNFINDABLE VISUAL syntax keyword mushFlag WIZARD PARENT_OK ZONE AUDIBLE CONNECTED DESTROY_OK syntax keyword mushFlag ENTER_OK HALTED IMMORTAL LIGHT MYOPIC PUPPET TERSE syntax keyword mushFlag ROBOT SAFE TRANSPARENT VERBOSE CONTROL_OK COMMANDS syntax keyword mushAttribute aahear aclone aconnect adesc adfail adisconnect syntax keyword mushAttribute adrop aefail aenter afail agfail ahear akill syntax keyword mushAttribute aleave alfail alias amhear amove apay arfail syntax keyword mushAttribute asucc atfail atport aufail ause away charges syntax keyword mushAttribute cost desc dfail drop ealias efail enter fail syntax keyword mushAttribute filter forwardlist gfail idesc idle infilter syntax keyword mushAttribute inprefix kill lalias last lastsite leave lfail syntax keyword mushAttribute listen move odesc odfail odrop oefail oenter syntax keyword mushAttribute ofail ogfail okill oleave olfail omove opay syntax keyword mushAttribute orfail osucc otfail otport oufail ouse oxenter syntax keyword mushAttribute oxleave oxtport pay prefix reject rfail runout syntax keyword mushAttribute semaphore sex startup succ tfail tport ufail syntax keyword mushAttribute use va vb vc vd ve vf vg vh vi vj vk vl vm vn syntax keyword mushAttribute vo vp vq vr vs vt vu vv vw vx vy vz " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later hi def link mushAttribute Constant hi def link mushCommand Function hi def link mushNumber Number hi def link mushSetting PreProc hi def link mushFunction Statement hi def link mushVariable Identifier hi def link mushSpecial Special hi def link mushTodo Todo hi def link mushFlag Special hi def link mushIdentifier Identifier hi def link mushDefine Macro hi def link mushPreProc PreProc hi def link mushPreProcGroup PreProc hi def link mushPreCondit PreCondit hi def link mushIncluded cString hi def link mushInclude Include " Comments hi def link mushCommentStart mushComment hi def link mushComment Comment hi def link mushCommentString mushString let b:current_syntax = "mush" " mush: ts=17