![]() System : Linux host44.registrar-servers.com 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : vapecompany ( 2719) PHP Version : 7.4.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/ |
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" Vim syntax file " Language: LotusScript " Maintainer: Taryn East (taryneast@hotmail.com) " Last Change: 2003 May 11 " This is a rough amalgamation of the visual basic syntax file, and the UltraEdit " and Textpad syntax highlighters. " It's not too brilliant given that a) I've never written a syntax.vim file before " and b) I'm not so crash hot at LotusScript either. If you see any problems " feel free to email me with them. " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif " LotusScript is case insensitive syn case ignore " These are Notes thingies that had an equivalent in the vb highlighter " or I was already familiar with them syn keyword lscriptStatement ActivateApp As And Base Beep Call Case ChDir ChDrive Class syn keyword lscriptStatement Const Dim Declare DefCur DefDbl DefInt DefLng DefSng DefStr syn keyword lscriptStatement DefVar Do Else %Else ElseIf %ElseIf End %End Erase Event Exit syn keyword lscriptStatement Explicit FileCopy FALSE For ForAll Function Get GoTo GoSub syn keyword lscriptStatement If %If In Is Kill Let List Lock Loop MkDir syn keyword lscriptStatement Name Next New NoCase NoPitch Not Nothing NULL syn keyword lscriptStatement On Option Or PI Pitch Preserve Private Public syn keyword lscriptStatement Property Public Put syn keyword lscriptStatement Randomize ReDim Reset Resume Return RmDir syn keyword lscriptStatement Select SendKeys SetFileAttr Set Static Sub Then To TRUE syn keyword lscriptStatement Type Unlock Until While WEnd With Write XOr syn keyword lscriptDatatype Array Currency Double Integer Long Single String String$ Variant syn keyword lscriptNotesType Field Button Navigator syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesACL NotesACLEntry NotesAgent NotesDatabase NotesDateRange syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesDateTime NotesDbDirectory NotesDocument syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesDocumentCollection NotesEmbeddedObject NotesForm syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesInternational NotesItem NotesLog NotesName NotesNewsLetter syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesMIMEEntry NotesOutline NotesOutlineEntry NotesRegistration syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesReplication NotesRichTextItem NotesRichTextParagraphStyle syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesRichTextStyle NotesRichTextTab syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesSession NotesTimer NotesView NotesViewColumn NotesViewEntry syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesViewEntryCollection NotesViewNavigator NotesUIDatabase syn keyword lscriptNotesType NotesUIDocument NotesUIView NotesUIWorkspace syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ACLLEVEL_AUTHOR ACLLEVEL_DEPOSITOR ACLLEVEL_DESIGNER syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ACLLEVEL_EDITOR ACLLEVEL_MANAGER ACLLEVEL_NOACCESS syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ACLLEVEL_READER ACLTYPE_MIXED_GROUP ACLTYPE_PERSON syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ACLTYPE_PERSON_GROUP ACLTYPE_SERVER ACLTYPE_SERVER_GROUP syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ACLTYPE_UNSPECIFIED ACTIONCD ALIGN_CENTER syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ALIGN_FULL ALIGN_LEFT ALIGN_NOWRAP ALIGN_RIGHT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ASSISTANTINFO ATTACHMENT AUTHORS COLOR_BLACK syn keyword lscriptNotesConst COLOR_BLUE COLOR_CYAN COLOR_DARK_BLUE COLOR_DARK_CYAN syn keyword lscriptNotesConst COLOR_DARK_GREEN COLOR_DARK_MAGENTA COLOR_DARK_RED syn keyword lscriptNotesConst COLOR_DARK_YELLOW COLOR_GRAY COLOR_GREEN COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY syn keyword lscriptNotesConst COLOR_MAGENTA COLOR_RED COLOR_WHITE COLOR_YELLOW syn keyword lscriptNotesConst DATABASE DATETIMES DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_HIGH syn keyword lscriptNotesConst DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_LOW DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_MED syn keyword lscriptNotesConst DB_REPLICATION_PRIORITY_NOTSET EFFECTS_EMBOSS syn keyword lscriptNotesConst EFFECTS_EXTRUDE EFFECTS_NONE EFFECTS_SHADOW syn keyword lscriptNotesConst EFFECTS_SUBSCRIPT EFFECTS_SUPERSCRIPT EMBED_ATTACHMENT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst EMBED_OBJECT EMBED_OBJECTLINK EMBEDDEDOBJECT ERRORITEM syn keyword lscriptNotesConst EV_ALARM EV_COMM EV_MAIL EV_MISC EV_REPLICA EV_RESOURCE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst EV_SECURITY EV_SERVER EV_UNKNOWN EV_UPDATE FONT_COURIER syn keyword lscriptNotesConst FONT_HELV FONT_ROMAN FORMULA FT_DATABASE FT_DATE_ASC syn keyword lscriptNotesConst FT_DATE_DES FT_FILESYSTEM FT_FUZZY FT_SCORES FT_STEMS syn keyword lscriptNotesConst FT_THESAURUS HTML ICON ID_CERTIFIER ID_FLAT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst ID_HIERARCHICAL LSOBJECT MIME_PART NAMES NOTESLINKS syn keyword lscriptNotesConst NOTEREFS NOTES_DESKTOP_CLIENT NOTES_FULL_CLIENT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst NOTES_LIMITED_CLIENT NUMBERS OTHEROBJECT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_CLASS_DATABASE OUTLINE_CLASS_DOCUMENT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_CLASS_FOLDER OUTLINE_CLASS_FORM syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_CLASS_FRAMESET OUTLINE_CLASS_NAVIGATOR syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_CLASS_PAGE OUTLINE_CLASS_UNKNOWN syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_CLASS_VIEW OUTLINE_OTHER_FOLDERS_TYPE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_OTHER_UNKNOWN_TYPE OUTLINE_OTHER_VIEWS_TYPE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_TYPE_ACTION OUTLINE_TYPE_NAMEDELEMENT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst OUTLINE_TYPE_NOTELINK OUTLINE_TYPE_URL PAGINATE_BEFORE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst PAGINATE_DEFAULT PAGINATE_KEEP_TOGETHER syn keyword lscriptNotesConst PAGINATE_KEEP_WITH_NEXT PICKLIST_CUSTOM PICKLIST_NAMES syn keyword lscriptNotesConst PICKLIST_RESOURCES PICKLIST_ROOMS PROMPT_OK PROMPT_OKCANCELCOMBO syn keyword lscriptNotesConst PROMPT_OKCANCELEDIT PROMPT_OKCANCELEDITCOMBO PROMPT_OKCANCELLIST syn keyword lscriptNotesConst PROMPT_OKCANCELLISTMULT PROMPT_PASSWORD PROMPT_YESNO syn keyword lscriptNotesConst PROMPT_YESNOCANCEL QUERYCD READERS REPLICA_CANDIDATE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst RICHTEXT RULER_ONE_CENTIMETER RULER_ONE_INCH SEV_FAILURE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst SEV_FATAL SEV_NORMAL SEV_WARNING1 SEV_WARNING2 syn keyword lscriptNotesConst SIGNATURE SPACING_DOUBLE SPACING_ONE_POINT_50 syn keyword lscriptNotesConst SPACING_SINGLE STYLE_NO_CHANGE TAB_CENTER TAB_DECIMAL syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TAB_LEFT TAB_RIGHT TARGET_ALL_DOCS TARGET_ALL_DOCS_IN_VIEW syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TARGET_NEW_DOCS TARGET_NEW_OR_MODIFIED_DOCS TARGET_NONE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TARGET_RUN_ONCE TARGET_SELECTED_DOCS TARGET_UNREAD_DOCS_IN_VIEW syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TEMPLATE TEMPLATE_CANDIDATE TEXT TRIGGER_AFTER_MAIL_DELIVERY syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TRIGGER_BEFORE_MAIL_DELIVERY TRIGGER_DOC_PASTED syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TRIGGER_DOC_UPDATE TRIGGER_MANUAL TRIGGER_NONE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst TRIGGER_SCHEDULED UNAVAILABLE UNKNOWN USERDATA syn keyword lscriptNotesConst USERID VC_ALIGN_CENTER VC_ALIGN_LEFT VC_ALIGN_RIGHT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_ATTR_PARENS VC_ATTR_PUNCTUATED VC_ATTR_PERCENT syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_FMT_ALWAYS VC_FMT_CURRENCY VC_FMT_DATE VC_FMT_DATETIME syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_FMT_FIXED VC_FMT_GENERAL VC_FMT_HM VC_FMT_HMS syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_FMT_MD VC_FMT_NEVER VC_FMT_SCIENTIFIC syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_FMT_SOMETIMES VC_FMT_TIME VC_FMT_TODAYTIME VC_FMT_YM syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_FMT_YMD VC_FMT_Y4M VC_FONT_BOLD VC_FONT_ITALIC syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_FONT_STRIKEOUT VC_FONT_UNDERLINE VC_SEP_COMMA syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VC_SEP_NEWLINE VC_SEP_SEMICOLON VC_SEP_SPACE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VIEWMAPDATA VIEWMAPLAYOUT VW_SPACING_DOUBLE syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VW_SPACING_ONE_POINT_25 VW_SPACING_ONE_POINT_50 syn keyword lscriptNotesConst VW_SPACING_ONE_POINT_75 VW_SPACING_SINGLE syn keyword lscriptFunction Abs Asc Atn Atn2 ACos ASin syn keyword lscriptFunction CCur CDat CDbl Chr Chr$ CInt CLng Command Command$ syn keyword lscriptFunction Cos CSng CStr syn keyword lscriptFunction CurDir CurDir$ CVar Date Date$ DateNumber DateSerial DateValue syn keyword lscriptFunction Day Dir Dir$ Environ$ Environ EOF Error Error$ Evaluate Exp syn keyword lscriptFunction FileAttr FileDateTime FileLen Fix Format Format$ FreeFile syn keyword lscriptFunction GetFileAttr GetThreadInfo Hex Hex$ Hour syn keyword lscriptFunction IMESetMode IMEStatus Input Input$ InputB InputB$ syn keyword lscriptFunction InputBP InputBP$ InputBox InputBox$ InStr InStrB InStrBP InstrC syn keyword lscriptFunction IsA IsArray IsDate IsElement IsList IsNumeric syn keyword lscriptFunction IsObject IsResponse IsScalar IsUnknown LCase LCase$ syn keyword lscriptFunction Left Left$ LeftB LeftB$ LeftC syn keyword lscriptFunction LeftBP LeftBP$ Len LenB LenBP LenC Loc LOF Log syn keyword lscriptFunction LSet LTrim LTrim$ MessageBox Mid Mid$ MidB MidB$ MidC syn keyword lscriptFunction Minute Month Now Oct Oct$ Responses Right Right$ syn keyword lscriptFunction RightB RightB$ RightBP RightBP$ RightC Round Rnd RSet RTrim RTrim$ syn keyword lscriptFunction Second Seek Sgn Shell Sin Sleep Space Space$ Spc Sqr Str Str$ syn keyword lscriptFunction StrConv StrLeft StrleftBack StrRight StrRightBack syn keyword lscriptFunction StrCompare Tab Tan Time Time$ TimeNumber Timer syn keyword lscriptFunction TimeValue Trim Trim$ Today TypeName UCase UCase$ syn keyword lscriptFunction UniversalID Val Weekday Year syn keyword lscriptMethods AppendToTextList ArrayAppend ArrayReplace ArrayGetIndex syn keyword lscriptMethods Append Bind Close "syn keyword lscriptMethods Contains syn keyword lscriptMethods CopyToDatabase CopyAllItems Count CurrentDatabase Delete Execute syn keyword lscriptMethods GetAllDocumentsByKey GetDatabase GetDocumentByKey syn keyword lscriptMethods GetDocumentByUNID GetFirstDocument GetFirstItem syn keyword lscriptMethods GetItems GetItemValue GetNthDocument GetView syn keyword lscriptMethods IsEmpty IsNull %Include Items syn keyword lscriptMethods Line LBound LoadMsgText Open Print syn keyword lscriptMethods RaiseEvent ReplaceItemValue Remove RemoveItem Responses syn keyword lscriptMethods Save Stop UBound UnprocessedDocuments Write syn keyword lscriptEvents Compare OnError "************************************************************************************* "These are Notes thingies that I'm not sure how to classify as they had no vb equivalent " At a wild guess I'd put them as Functions... " if anyone sees something really out of place... tell me! syn keyword lscriptFunction Access Alias Any Bin Bin$ Binary ByVal syn keyword lscriptFunction CodeLock CodeLockCheck CodeUnlock CreateLock syn keyword lscriptFunction CurDrive CurDrive$ DataType DestroyLock Eqv syn keyword lscriptFunction Erl Err Fraction From FromFunction FullTrim syn keyword lscriptFunction Imp Int Lib Like ListTag LMBCS LSServer Me syn keyword lscriptFunction Mod MsgDescription MsgText Output Published syn keyword lscriptFunction Random Read Shared Step UChr UChr$ Uni Unicode syn keyword lscriptFunction Until Use UseLSX UString UString$ Width Yield syn keyword lscriptTodo contained TODO "integer number, or floating point number without a dot. syn match lscriptNumber "\<\d\+\>" "floating point number, with dot syn match lscriptNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\>" "floating point number, starting with a dot syn match lscriptNumber "\.\d\+\>" " String and Character constants syn region lscriptString start=+"+ end=+"+ syn region lscriptComment start="REM" end="$" contains=lscriptTodo syn region lscriptComment start="'" end="$" contains=lscriptTodo syn region lscriptLineNumber start="^\d" end="\s" syn match lscriptTypeSpecifier "[a-zA-Z0-9][\$%&!#]"ms=s+1 " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi lscriptNotesType term=underline ctermfg=DarkGreen guifg=SeaGreen gui=bold hi def link lscriptNotesConst lscriptNotesType hi def link lscriptLineNumber Comment hi def link lscriptDatatype Type hi def link lscriptNumber Number hi def link lscriptError Error hi def link lscriptStatement Statement hi def link lscriptString String hi def link lscriptComment Comment hi def link lscriptTodo Todo hi def link lscriptFunction Identifier hi def link lscriptMethods PreProc hi def link lscriptEvents Special hi def link lscriptTypeSpecifier Type let b:current_syntax = "lscript" " vim: ts=8