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" Vim syntax file " Language: LPC " Maintainer: Shizhu Pan <poet@mudbuilder.net> " URL: http://poet.tomud.com/pub/lpc.vim.bz2 " Last Change: 2016 Aug 31 " Comments: If you are using Vim 6.2 or later, see :h lpc.vim for " file type recognizing, if not, you had to use modeline. " Nodule: This is the start nodule. {{{1 " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " Nodule: Keywords {{{1 " LPC keywords " keywords should always be highlighted so "contained" is not used. syn cluster lpcKeywdGrp contains=lpcConditional,lpcLabel,lpcOperator,lpcRepeat,lpcStatement,lpcModifier,lpcReserved syn keyword lpcConditional if else switch syn keyword lpcLabel case default syn keyword lpcOperator catch efun in inherit syn keyword lpcRepeat do for foreach while syn keyword lpcStatement break continue return syn match lpcEfunError /efun[^:]/ display " Illegal to use keyword as function " It's not working, maybe in the next version. syn keyword lpcKeywdError contained if for foreach return switch while " These are keywords only because they take lvalue or type as parameter, " so these keywords should only be used as function but cannot be names of " user-defined functions. syn keyword lpcKeywdFunc new parse_command sscanf time_expression " Nodule: Type and modifiers {{{1 " Type names list. " Special types syn keyword lpcType void mixed unknown " Scalar/Value types. syn keyword lpcType int float string " Pointer types. syn keyword lpcType array buffer class function mapping object " Other types. if exists("lpc_compat_32") syn keyword lpcType closure status funcall else syn keyword lpcError closure status syn keyword lpcType multiset endif " Type modifier. syn keyword lpcModifier nomask private public syn keyword lpcModifier varargs virtual " sensible modifiers if exists("lpc_pre_v22") syn keyword lpcReserved nosave protected ref syn keyword lpcModifier static else syn keyword lpcError static syn keyword lpcModifier nosave protected ref endif " Nodule: Applies {{{1 " Match a function declaration or function pointer syn match lpcApplyDecl excludenl /->\h\w*(/me=e-1 contains=lpcApplies transparent display " We should note that in func_spec.c the efun definition syntax is so " complicated that I use such a long regular expression to describe. syn match lpcLongDecl excludenl /\(\s\|\*\)\h\+\s\h\+(/me=e-1 contains=@lpcEfunGroup,lpcType,@lpcKeywdGrp transparent display " this is form for all functions " ->foo() form had been excluded syn match lpcFuncDecl excludenl /\h\w*(/me=e-1 contains=lpcApplies,@lpcEfunGroup,lpcKeywdError transparent display " The (: :) parenthesis or $() forms a function pointer syn match lpcFuncName /(:\s*\h\+\s*:)/me=e-1 contains=lpcApplies,@lpcEfunGroup transparent display contained syn match lpcFuncName /(:\s*\h\+,/ contains=lpcApplies,@lpcEfunGroup transparent display contained syn match lpcFuncName /\$(\h\+)/ contains=lpcApplies,@lpcEfunGroup transparent display contained " Applies list. " system applies syn keyword lpcApplies contained __INIT clean_up create destructor heart_beat id init move_or_destruct reset " interactive syn keyword lpcApplies contained catch_tell logon net_dead process_input receive_message receive_snoop telnet_suboption terminal_type window_size write_prompt " master applies syn keyword lpcApplies contained author_file compile_object connect crash creator_file domain_file epilog error_handler flag get_bb_uid get_root_uid get_save_file_name log_error make_path_absolute object_name preload privs_file retrieve_ed_setup save_ed_setup slow_shutdown syn keyword lpcApplies contained valid_asm valid_bind valid_compile_to_c valid_database valid_hide valid_link valid_object valid_override valid_read valid_save_binary valid_seteuid valid_shadow valid_socket valid_write " parsing syn keyword lpcApplies contained inventory_accessible inventory_visible is_living parse_command_adjectiv_id_list parse_command_adjective_id_list parse_command_all_word parse_command_id_list parse_command_plural_id_list parse_command_prepos_list parse_command_users parse_get_environment parse_get_first_inventory parse_get_next_inventory parser_error_message " Nodule: Efuns {{{1 syn cluster lpcEfunGroup contains=lpc_efuns,lpcOldEfuns,lpcNewEfuns,lpcKeywdFunc " Compat32 efuns if exists("lpc_compat_32") syn keyword lpc_efuns contained closurep heart_beat_info m_delete m_values m_indices query_once_interactive strstr else syn match lpcErrFunc /#`\h\w*/ " Shell compatible first line comment. syn region lpcCommentFunc start=/^#!/ end=/$/ endif " pre-v22 efuns which are removed in newer versions. syn keyword lpcOldEfuns contained tail dump_socket_status " new efuns after v22 should be added here! syn keyword lpcNewEfuns contained socket_status " LPC efuns list. " DEBUG efuns Not included. " New efuns should NOT be added to this list, see v22 efuns above. " Efuns list {{{2 syn keyword lpc_efuns contained acos add_action all_inventory all_previous_objects allocate allocate_buffer allocate_mapping apply arrayp asin atan author_stats syn keyword lpc_efuns contained bind break_string bufferp syn keyword lpc_efuns contained cache_stats call_other call_out call_out_info call_stack capitalize catch ceil check_memory children classp clear_bit clone_object clonep command commands copy cos cp crc32 crypt ctime syn keyword lpc_efuns contained db_close db_commit db_connect db_exec db_fetch db_rollback db_status debug_info debugmalloc debug_message deep_inherit_list deep_inventory destruct disable_commands disable_wizard domain_stats dumpallobj dump_file_descriptors dump_prog syn keyword lpc_efuns contained each ed ed_cmd ed_start enable_commands enable_wizard environment error errorp eval_cost evaluate exec exp explode export_uid external_start syn keyword lpc_efuns contained fetch_variable file_length file_name file_size filter filter_array filter_mapping find_call_out find_living find_object find_player first_inventory floatp floor flush_messages function_exists function_owner function_profile functionp functions syn keyword lpc_efuns contained generate_source get_char get_config get_dir geteuid getuid syn keyword lpc_efuns contained heart_beats syn keyword lpc_efuns contained id_matrix implode in_edit in_input inherit_list inherits input_to interactive intp syn keyword lpc_efuns contained keys syn keyword lpc_efuns contained link living livings load_object localtime log log10 lookat_rotate lower_case lpc_info syn keyword lpc_efuns contained malloc_check malloc_debug malloc_status map map_array map_delete map_mapping mapp master match_path max_eval_cost member_array memory_info memory_summary message mkdir moncontrol move_object mud_status syn keyword lpc_efuns contained named_livings network_stats next_bit next_inventory notify_fail nullp syn keyword lpc_efuns contained objectp objects oldcrypt opcprof origin syn keyword lpc_efuns contained parse_add_rule parse_add_synonym parse_command parse_dump parse_init parse_my_rules parse_refresh parse_remove parse_sentence pluralize pointerp pow present previous_object printf process_string process_value program_info syn keyword lpc_efuns contained query_ed_mode query_heart_beat query_host_name query_idle query_ip_name query_ip_number query_ip_port query_load_average query_notify_fail query_privs query_replaced_program query_shadowing query_snoop query_snooping query_verb syn keyword lpc_efuns contained random read_buffer read_bytes read_file receive reclaim_objects refs regexp reg_assoc reload_object remove_action remove_call_out remove_interactive remove_shadow rename repeat_string replace_program replace_string replaceable reset_eval_cost resolve restore_object restore_variable rm rmdir rotate_x rotate_y rotate_z rusage syn keyword lpc_efuns contained save_object save_variable say scale set_author set_bit set_eval_limit set_heart_beat set_hide set_light set_living_name set_malloc_mask set_privs set_reset set_this_player set_this_user seteuid shadow shallow_inherit_list shout shutdown sin sizeof snoop socket_accept socket_acquire socket_address socket_bind socket_close socket_connect socket_create socket_error socket_listen socket_release socket_write sort_array sprintf sqrt stat store_variable strcmp stringp strlen strsrch syn keyword lpc_efuns contained tan tell_object tell_room terminal_colour test_bit this_interactive this_object this_player this_user throw time to_float to_int trace traceprefix translate typeof syn keyword lpc_efuns contained undefinedp unique_array unique_mapping upper_case uptime userp users syn keyword lpc_efuns contained values variables virtualp syn keyword lpc_efuns contained wizardp write write_buffer write_bytes write_file " Nodule: Constants {{{1 " LPC Constants. " like keywords, constants are always highlighted, be careful to choose only " the constants we used to add to this list. syn keyword lpcConstant __ARCH__ __COMPILER__ __DIR__ __FILE__ __OPTIMIZATION__ __PORT__ __VERSION__ " Defines in options.h are all predefined in LPC sources surrounding by " two underscores. Do we need to include all of that? syn keyword lpcConstant __SAVE_EXTENSION__ __HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL__ " from the documentation we know that these constants remains only for " backward compatibility and should not be used any more. syn keyword lpcConstant HAS_ED HAS_PRINTF HAS_RUSAGE HAS_DEBUG_LEVEL syn keyword lpcConstant MUD_NAME F__THIS_OBJECT " Nodule: Todo for this file. {{{1 " TODO : need to check for LPC4 syntax and other series of LPC besides " v22, b21 and l32, if you had a good idea, contact me at poet@mudbuilder.net " and I will be appreciated about that. " Notes about some FAQ: " " About variables : We adopts the same behavior for C because almost all the " LPC programmers are also C programmers, so we don't need separate settings " for C and LPC. That is the reason why I don't change variables like " "c_no_utf"s to "lpc_no_utf"s. " " Copy : Some of the following seems to be copied from c.vim but not quite " the same in details because the syntax for C and LPC is different. " " Color scheme : this syntax file had been thouroughly tested to work well " for all of the dark-backgrounded color schemes Vim has provided officially, " and it should be quite Ok for all of the bright-backgrounded color schemes, " of course it works best for the color scheme that I am using, download it " from http://poet.tomud.com/pub/ps_color.vim.bz2 if you want to try it. " " Nodule: String and Character {{{1 " String and Character constants " Highlight special characters (those which have a backslash) differently syn match lpcSpecial display contained "\\\(x\x\+\|\o\{1,3}\|.\|$\)" if !exists("c_no_utf") syn match lpcSpecial display contained "\\\(u\x\{4}\|U\x\{8}\)" endif " LPC version of sprintf() format, syn match lpcFormat display "%\(\d\+\)\=[-+ |=#@:.]*\(\d\+\)\=\('\I\+'\|'\I*\\'\I*'\)\=[OsdicoxXf]" contained syn match lpcFormat display "%%" contained syn region lpcString start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=lpcSpecial,lpcFormat " lpcCppString: same as lpcString, but ends at end of line syn region lpcCppString start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"\|\\$+ excludenl end=+"+ end='$' contains=lpcSpecial,lpcFormat " LPC preprocessor for the text formatting short cuts " Thanks to Dr. Charles E. Campbell <cec@gryphon.gsfc.nasa.gov> " he suggests the best way to do this. syn region lpcTextString start=/@\z(\h\w*\)$/ end=/^\z1/ contains=lpcSpecial syn region lpcArrayString start=/@@\z(\h\w*\)$/ end=/^\z1/ contains=lpcSpecial " Character syn match lpcCharacter "L\='[^\\]'" syn match lpcCharacter "L'[^']*'" contains=lpcSpecial syn match lpcSpecialError "L\='\\[^'\"?\\abefnrtv]'" syn match lpcSpecialCharacter "L\='\\['\"?\\abefnrtv]'" syn match lpcSpecialCharacter display "L\='\\\o\{1,3}'" syn match lpcSpecialCharacter display "'\\x\x\{1,2}'" syn match lpcSpecialCharacter display "L'\\x\x\+'" " Nodule: White space {{{1 " when wanted, highlight trailing white space if exists("c_space_errors") if !exists("c_no_trail_space_error") syn match lpcSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$" endif if !exists("c_no_tab_space_error") syn match lpcSpaceError display " \+\t"me=e-1 endif endif " Nodule: Parenthesis and brackets {{{1 " catch errors caused by wrong parenthesis and brackets syn cluster lpcParenGroup contains=lpcParenError,lpcIncluded,lpcSpecial,lpcCommentSkip,lpcCommentString,lpcComment2String,@lpcCommentGroup,lpcCommentStartError,lpcUserCont,lpcUserLabel,lpcBitField,lpcCommentSkip,lpcOctalZero,lpcCppOut,lpcCppOut2,lpcCppSkip,lpcFormat,lpcNumber,lpcFloat,lpcOctal,lpcOctalError,lpcNumbersCom syn region lpcParen transparent start='(' end=')' contains=ALLBUT,@lpcParenGroup,lpcCppParen,lpcErrInBracket,lpcCppBracket,lpcCppString,@lpcEfunGroup,lpcApplies,lpcKeywdError " lpcCppParen: same as lpcParen but ends at end-of-line; used in lpcDefine syn region lpcCppParen transparent start='(' skip='\\$' excludenl end=')' end='$' contained contains=ALLBUT,@lpcParenGroup,lpcErrInBracket,lpcParen,lpcBracket,lpcString,@lpcEfunGroup,lpcApplies,lpcKeywdError syn match lpcParenError display ")" syn match lpcParenError display "\]" " for LPC: " Here we should consider the array ({ }) parenthesis and mapping ([ ]) " parenthesis and multiset (< >) parenthesis. syn match lpcErrInParen display contained "[^^]{"ms=s+1 syn match lpcErrInParen display contained "\(}\|\]\)[^)]"me=e-1 syn region lpcBracket transparent start='\[' end=']' contains=ALLBUT,@lpcParenGroup,lpcErrInParen,lpcCppParen,lpcCppBracket,lpcCppString,@lpcEfunGroup,lpcApplies,lpcFuncName,lpcKeywdError " lpcCppBracket: same as lpcParen but ends at end-of-line; used in lpcDefine syn region lpcCppBracket transparent start='\[' skip='\\$' excludenl end=']' end='$' contained contains=ALLBUT,@lpcParenGroup,lpcErrInParen,lpcParen,lpcBracket,lpcString,@lpcEfunGroup,lpcApplies,lpcFuncName,lpcKeywdError syn match lpcErrInBracket display contained "[);{}]" " Nodule: Numbers {{{1 " integer number, or floating point number without a dot and with "f". syn case ignore syn match lpcNumbers display transparent "\<\d\|\.\d" contains=lpcNumber,lpcFloat,lpcOctalError,lpcOctal " Same, but without octal error (for comments) syn match lpcNumbersCom display contained transparent "\<\d\|\.\d" contains=lpcNumber,lpcFloat,lpcOctal syn match lpcNumber display contained "\d\+\(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>" " hex number syn match lpcNumber display contained "0x\x\+\(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>" " Flag the first zero of an octal number as something special syn match lpcOctal display contained "0\o\+\(u\=l\{0,2}\|ll\=u\)\>" contains=lpcOctalZero syn match lpcOctalZero display contained "\<0" syn match lpcFloat display contained "\d\+f" " floating point number, with dot, optional exponent syn match lpcFloat display contained "\d\+\.\d*\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=" " floating point number, starting with a dot, optional exponent syn match lpcFloat display contained "\.\d\+\(e[-+]\=\d\+\)\=[fl]\=\>" " floating point number, without dot, with exponent syn match lpcFloat display contained "\d\+e[-+]\=\d\+[fl]\=\>" " flag an octal number with wrong digits syn match lpcOctalError display contained "0\o*[89]\d*" syn case match " Nodule: Comment string {{{1 " lpcCommentGroup allows adding matches for special things in comments syn keyword lpcTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX syn cluster lpcCommentGroup contains=lpcTodo if exists("c_comment_strings") " A comment can contain lpcString, lpcCharacter and lpcNumber. syntax match lpcCommentSkip contained "^\s*\*\($\|\s\+\)" syntax region lpcCommentString contained start=+L\=\\\@<!"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end=+\*/+me=s-1 contains=lpcSpecial,lpcCommentSkip syntax region lpcComment2String contained start=+L\=\\\@<!"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ end="$" contains=lpcSpecial syntax region lpcCommentL start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@lpcCommentGroup,lpcComment2String,lpcCharacter,lpcNumbersCom,lpcSpaceError syntax region lpcComment matchgroup=lpcCommentStart start="/\*" matchgroup=NONE end="\*/" contains=@lpcCommentGroup,lpcCommentStartError,lpcCommentString,lpcCharacter,lpcNumbersCom,lpcSpaceError else syn region lpcCommentL start="//" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=@lpcCommentGroup,lpcSpaceError syn region lpcComment matchgroup=lpcCommentStart start="/\*" matchgroup=NONE end="\*/" contains=@lpcCommentGroup,lpcCommentStartError,lpcSpaceError endif " keep a // comment separately, it terminates a preproc. conditional syntax match lpcCommentError display "\*/" syntax match lpcCommentStartError display "/\*"me=e-1 contained " Nodule: Pre-processor {{{1 syn region lpcPreCondit start="^\s*#\s*\(if\|ifdef\|ifndef\|elif\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=lpcComment,lpcCppString,lpcCharacter,lpcCppParen,lpcParenError,lpcNumbers,lpcCommentError,lpcSpaceError syn match lpcPreCondit display "^\s*#\s*\(else\|endif\)\>" if !exists("c_no_if0") syn region lpcCppOut start="^\s*#\s*if\s\+0\+\>" end=".\|$" contains=lpcCppOut2 syn region lpcCppOut2 contained start="0" end="^\s*#\s*\(endif\>\|else\>\|elif\>\)" contains=lpcSpaceError,lpcCppSkip syn region lpcCppSkip contained start="^\s*#\s*\(if\>\|ifdef\>\|ifndef\>\)" skip="\\$" end="^\s*#\s*endif\>" contains=lpcSpaceError,lpcCppSkip endif syn region lpcIncluded display contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ syn match lpcIncluded display contained "<[^>]*>" syn match lpcInclude display "^\s*#\s*include\>\s*["<]" contains=lpcIncluded syn match lpcLineSkip "\\$" syn cluster lpcPreProcGroup contains=lpcPreCondit,lpcIncluded,lpcInclude,lpcDefine,lpcErrInParen,lpcErrInBracket,lpcUserLabel,lpcSpecial,lpcOctalZero,lpcCppOut,lpcCppOut2,lpcCppSkip,lpcFormat,lpcNumber,lpcFloat,lpcOctal,lpcOctalError,lpcNumbersCom,lpcString,lpcCommentSkip,lpcCommentString,lpcComment2String,@lpcCommentGroup,lpcCommentStartError,lpcParen,lpcBracket,lpcMulti,lpcKeywdError syn region lpcDefine start="^\s*#\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" skip="\\$" end="$" end="//"me=s-1 contains=ALLBUT,@lpcPreProcGroup if exists("lpc_pre_v22") syn region lpcPreProc start="^\s*#\s*\(pragma\>\|echo\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@lpcPreProcGroup else syn region lpcPreProc start="^\s*#\s*\(pragma\>\|echo\>\|warn\>\|error\>\)" skip="\\$" end="$" keepend contains=ALLBUT,@lpcPreProcGroup endif " Nodule: User labels {{{1 " Highlight Labels " User labels in LPC is not allowed, only "case x" and "default" is supported syn cluster lpcMultiGroup contains=lpcIncluded,lpcSpecial,lpcCommentSkip,lpcCommentString,lpcComment2String,@lpcCommentGroup,lpcCommentStartError,lpcUserCont,lpcUserLabel,lpcBitField,lpcOctalZero,lpcCppOut,lpcCppOut2,lpcCppSkip,lpcFormat,lpcNumber,lpcFloat,lpcOctal,lpcOctalError,lpcNumbersCom,lpcCppParen,lpcCppBracket,lpcCppString,lpcKeywdError syn region lpcMulti transparent start='\(case\|default\|public\|protected\|private\)' skip='::' end=':' contains=ALLBUT,@lpcMultiGroup syn cluster lpcLabelGroup contains=lpcUserLabel syn match lpcUserCont display "^\s*lpc:$" contains=@lpcLabelGroup " Don't want to match anything syn match lpcUserLabel display "lpc" contained " Nodule: Initializations {{{1 if exists("c_minlines") let b:c_minlines = c_minlines else if !exists("c_no_if0") let b:c_minlines = 50 " #if 0 constructs can be long else let b:c_minlines = 15 " mostly for () constructs endif endif exec "syn sync ccomment lpcComment minlines=" . b:c_minlines " Make sure these options take place since we no longer depend on file type " plugin for C setlocal cindent setlocal fo-=t fo+=croql setlocal comments=sO:*\ -,mO:*\ \ ,exO:*/,s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,:// " Win32 can filter files in the browse dialog if has("gui_win32") && !exists("b:browsefilter") let b:browsefilter = "LPC Source Files (*.c *.d *.h)\t*.c;*.d;*.h\n" . \ "LPC Data Files (*.scr *.o *.dat)\t*.scr;*.o;*.dat\n" . \ "Text Documentation (*.txt)\t*.txt\n" . \ "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n" endif " Nodule: Highlight links {{{1 " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet hi def link lpcModifier lpcStorageClass hi def link lpcQuotedFmt lpcFormat hi def link lpcFormat lpcSpecial hi def link lpcCppString lpcString " Cpp means " C Pre-Processor hi def link lpcCommentL lpcComment hi def link lpcCommentStart lpcComment hi def link lpcUserLabel lpcLabel hi def link lpcSpecialCharacter lpcSpecial hi def link lpcOctal lpcPreProc hi def link lpcOctalZero lpcSpecial " LPC will treat octal numbers " as decimals, programmers should " be aware of that. hi def link lpcEfunError lpcError hi def link lpcKeywdError lpcError hi def link lpcOctalError lpcError hi def link lpcParenError lpcError hi def link lpcErrInParen lpcError hi def link lpcErrInBracket lpcError hi def link lpcCommentError lpcError hi def link lpcCommentStartError lpcError hi def link lpcSpaceError lpcError hi def link lpcSpecialError lpcError hi def link lpcErrFunc lpcError if exists("lpc_pre_v22") hi def link lpcOldEfuns lpc_efuns hi def link lpcNewEfuns lpcError else hi def link lpcOldEfuns lpcReserved hi def link lpcNewEfuns lpc_efuns endif hi def link lpc_efuns lpcFunction hi def link lpcReserved lpcPreProc hi def link lpcTextString lpcString " This should be preprocessors, but hi def link lpcArrayString lpcPreProc " let's make some difference " between text and array hi def link lpcIncluded lpcString hi def link lpcCommentString lpcString hi def link lpcComment2String lpcString hi def link lpcCommentSkip lpcComment hi def link lpcCommentFunc lpcComment hi def link lpcCppSkip lpcCppOut hi def link lpcCppOut2 lpcCppOut hi def link lpcCppOut lpcComment " Standard type below hi def link lpcApplies Special hi def link lpcCharacter Character hi def link lpcComment Comment hi def link lpcConditional Conditional hi def link lpcConstant Constant hi def link lpcDefine Macro hi def link lpcError Error hi def link lpcFloat Float hi def link lpcFunction Function hi def link lpcIdentifier Identifier hi def link lpcInclude Include hi def link lpcLabel Label hi def link lpcNumber Number hi def link lpcOperator Operator hi def link lpcPreCondit PreCondit hi def link lpcPreProc PreProc hi def link lpcRepeat Repeat hi def link lpcStatement Statement hi def link lpcStorageClass StorageClass hi def link lpcString String hi def link lpcStructure Structure hi def link lpcSpecial LineNr hi def link lpcTodo Todo hi def link lpcType Type " Nodule: This is the end nodule. {{{1 let b:current_syntax = "lpc" let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet s:cpo_save " vim:ts=8:nosta:sw=2:ai:si: " vim600:set fdm=marker: }}}1