![]() System : Linux host44.registrar-servers.com 4.18.0-513.18.1.lve.2.el8.x86_64 #1 SMP Sat Mar 30 15:36:11 UTC 2024 x86_64 User : vapecompany ( 2719) PHP Version : 7.4.33 Disable Function : NONE Directory : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/share/vim/vim80/syntax/ |
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" Vim syntax file " Language: HTML/OS by Aestiva " Maintainer: Jason Rust <jrust@westmont.edu> " URL: http://www.rustyparts.com/vim/syntax/htmlos.vim " Info: http://www.rustyparts.com/scripts.php " Last Change: 2003 May 11 " " quit when a syntax file was already loaded if exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif if !exists("main_syntax") let main_syntax = 'htmlos' endif runtime! syntax/html.vim unlet b:current_syntax syn cluster htmlPreproc add=htmlosRegion syn case ignore " Function names syn keyword htmlosFunctions expand sleep getlink version system ascii getascii syslock sysunlock cr lf clean postprep listtorow split listtocol coltolist rowtolist tabletolist contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions cut \display cutall cutx cutallx length reverse lower upper proper repeat left right middle trim trimleft trimright count countx locate locatex replace replacex replaceall replaceallx paste pasteleft pasteleftx pasteleftall pasteleftallx pasteright pasterightall pasterightallx chopleft chopleftx chopright choprightx format concat contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions goto exitgoto contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions layout cols rows row items getitem putitem switchitems gettable delrow delrows delcol delcols append merge fillcol fillrow filltable pastetable getcol getrow fillindexcol insindexcol dups nodups maxtable mintable maxcol mincol maxrow minrow avetable avecol averow mediantable mediancol medianrow producttable productcol productrow sumtable sumcol sumrow sumsqrtable sumsqrcol sumsqrrow reversecols reverserows switchcols switchrows inscols insrows insfillcol sortcol reversesortcol sortcoln reversesortcoln sortrow sortrown reversesortrow reversesortrown getcoleq getcoleqn getcolnoteq getcolany getcolbegin getcolnotany getcolnotbegin getcolge getcolgt getcolle getcollt getcolgen getcolgtn getcollen getcoltn getcolend getcolnotend getrowend getrownotend getcolin getcolnotin getcolinbegin getcolnotinbegin getcolinend getcolnotinend getrowin getrownotin getrowinbegin getrownotinbegin getrowinend getrownotinend contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions dbcreate dbadd dbedit dbdelete dbsearch dbsearchsort dbget dbgetsort dbstatus dbindex dbimport dbfill dbexport dbsort dbgetrec dbremove dbpurge dbfind dbfindsort dbunique dbcopy dbmove dbkill dbtransfer dbpoke dbsearchx dbgetx contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions syshtmlosname sysstartname sysfixfile fileinfo filelist fileindex domainname page browser regdomain username usernum getenv httpheader copy file ts row sysls syscp sysmv sysmd sysrd filepush filepushlink dirname contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions mail to address subject netmail netmailopen netmailclose mailfilelist netweb netwebresults webpush netsockopen netsockread netsockwrite netsockclose contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions today time systime now yesterday tomorrow getday getmonth getyear getminute getweekday getweeknum getyearday getdate gettime getamorpm gethour addhours addminutes adddays timebetween timetill timefrom datetill datefrom mixedtimebetween mixeddatetill mixedtimetill mixedtimefrom mixeddatefrom nextdaybyweekfromdate nextdaybyweekfromtoday nextdaybymonthfromdate nextdaybymonthfromtoday nextdaybyyearfromdate nextdaybyyearfromtoday offsetdaybyweekfromdate offsetdaybyweekfromtoday offsetdaybymonthfromdate offsetdaybymonthfromtoday contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions isprivate ispublic isfile isdir isblank iserror iserror iseven isodd istrue isfalse islogical istext istag isnumber isinteger isdate istableeq istableeqx istableeqn isfuture ispast istoday isweekday isweekend issamedate iseq isnoteq isge isle ismod10 isvalidstring contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions celtof celtokel ftocel ftokel keltocel keltof cmtoin intocm fttom mtoft fttomile miletoft kmtomile miletokm mtoyd ydtom galtoltr ltrtogal ltrtoqt qttoltr gtooz oztog kgtolb lbtokg mttoton tontomt contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions max min abs sign inverse square sqrt cube roundsig round ceiling roundup floor rounddown roundeven rounddowneven roundupeven roundodd roundupodd rounddownodd random factorial summand fibonacci remainder mod radians degrees cos sin tan cotan secant cosecant acos asin atan exp power power10 ln log10 log sinh cosh tanh contained syn keyword htmlosFunctions xmldelete xmldeletex xmldeleteattr xmldeleteattrx xmledit xmleditx xmleditvalue xmleditvaluex xmleditattr xmleditattrx xmlinsertbefore xmlinsertbeforex smlinsertafter xmlinsertafterx xmlinsertattr xmlinsertattrx smlget xmlgetx xmlgetvalue xmlgetvaluex xmlgetattrvalue xmlgetattrvaluex xmlgetrec xmlgetrecx xmlgetrecattrvalue xmlgetrecattrvaluex xmlchopleftbefore xmlchopleftbeforex xmlchoprightbefore xmlchoprightbeforex xmlchopleftafter xmlchopleftafterx xmlchoprightafter xmlchoprightafterx xmllocatebefore xmllocatebeforex xmllocateafter xmllocateafterx contained " Type syn keyword htmlosType int str dol flt dat grp contained " StorageClass syn keyword htmlosStorageClass locals contained " Operator syn match htmlosOperator "[-=+/\*!]" contained syn match htmlosRelation "[~]" contained syn match htmlosRelation "[=~][&!]" contained syn match htmlosRelation "[!=<>]=" contained syn match htmlosRelation "[<>]" contained " Comment syn region htmlosComment start="#" end="/#" contained " Conditional syn keyword htmlosConditional if then /if to else elif contained syn keyword htmlosConditional and or nand nor xor not contained " Repeat syn keyword htmlosRepeat while do /while for /for contained " Keyword syn keyword htmlosKeyword name value step do rowname colname rownum contained " Repeat syn keyword htmlosLabel case matched /case switch contained " Statement syn keyword htmlosStatement break exit return continue contained " Identifier syn match htmlosIdentifier "\h\w*[\.]*\w*" contained " Special identifier syn match htmlosSpecialIdentifier "[\$@]" contained " Define syn keyword htmlosDefine function overlay contained " Boolean syn keyword htmlosBoolean true false contained " String syn region htmlosStringDouble keepend matchgroup=None start=+"+ end=+"+ contained syn region htmlosStringSingle keepend matchgroup=None start=+'+ end=+'+ contained " Number syn match htmlosNumber "-\=\<\d\+\>" contained " Float syn match htmlosFloat "\(-\=\<\d+\|-\=\)\.\d\+\>" contained " Error syn match htmlosError "ERROR" contained " Parent syn match htmlosParent "[({[\]})]" contained " Todo syn keyword htmlosTodo TODO Todo todo contained syn cluster htmlosInside contains=htmlosComment,htmlosFunctions,htmlosIdentifier,htmlosSpecialIdentifier,htmlosConditional,htmlosRepeat,htmlosLabel,htmlosStatement,htmlosOperator,htmlosRelation,htmlosStringSingle,htmlosStringDouble,htmlosNumber,htmlosFloat,htmlosError,htmlosKeyword,htmlosType,htmlosBoolean,htmlosParent syn cluster htmlosTop contains=@htmlosInside,htmlosDefine,htmlosError,htmlosStorageClass syn region htmlosRegion keepend matchgroup=Delimiter start="<<" skip=+".\{-}?>.\{-}"\|'.\{-}?>.\{-}'\|/\*.\{-}?>.\{-}\*/+ end=">>" contains=@htmlosTop syn region htmlosRegion keepend matchgroup=Delimiter start="\[\[" skip=+".\{-}?>.\{-}"\|'.\{-}?>.\{-}'\|/\*.\{-}?>.\{-}\*/+ end="\]\]" contains=@htmlosTop " sync if exists("htmlos_minlines") exec "syn sync minlines=" . htmlos_minlines else syn sync minlines=100 endif " Define the default highlighting. " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet " The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later hi def link htmlosSpecialIdentifier Operator hi def link htmlosIdentifier Identifier hi def link htmlosStorageClass StorageClass hi def link htmlosComment Comment hi def link htmlosBoolean Boolean hi def link htmlosStringSingle String hi def link htmlosStringDouble String hi def link htmlosNumber Number hi def link htmlosFloat Float hi def link htmlosFunctions Function hi def link htmlosRepeat Repeat hi def link htmlosConditional Conditional hi def link htmlosLabel Label hi def link htmlosStatement Statement hi def link htmlosKeyword Statement hi def link htmlosType Type hi def link htmlosDefine Define hi def link htmlosParent Delimiter hi def link htmlosError Error hi def link htmlosTodo Todo hi def link htmlosOperator Operator hi def link htmlosRelation Operator let b:current_syntax = "htmlos" if main_syntax == 'htmlos' unlet main_syntax endif " vim: ts=8 sw=2